Author : sexykay

Sex advice and the very married woman

  I have been clicking around on the internet again, looking for sites that offer quality relationship and sex advice. What I’m seeing is this: a lot of bullshit. Articles about how to make your marriage hot–keep it, make it,…

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The Return of Desire

Historically, talking about sex has begun with men, and this book explores a woman’s reality. The female author/therapist has surveyed over 3,800 women about their attitudes, thoughts and feelings about sex and relationships, and the resulting book is for all…

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Would you call your marriage “stable”?

  The word “stable” reeks of cable knit sweaters and calling each other “Dear.” It sounds, well, dusty. I don’t want to be dusty or dull. Far from it! I want to be sexy, fun, risk-taking, flirty, even dangerous…in my…

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How much sex is normal over 50?

  I used to wonder if Darling Husband and I were having a “normal” amount of sex. I think it’s a common worry especially when you are over 50, but it’s not a topic you bring up with a stranger…

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Sex for Grown-Ups

Great sex after 50. Who doesn’t want that?! Sex after 50, 60, 70 and even 80 is possible. Our hormones may be dropping but our sensuality is expanding, one of the benefits of over-50 sex. Your body is changing, so…

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My doctor is involved in my sex life

  Here’s me, speaking to my gynecologist at a recent annual appointment: Doctor: Do you have sex? (I guess that’s a good question. Not everyone has sex, even married people.) Me: Yes! I had sex last night! (I was speaking…

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