DH and I aren’t speaking to each other right now. This doesn’t happen often. But we are stuck, really stuck. The problem is finances again. We say a few words here and there to be civil. I have tried to talk to him in the usual manner, keeping it light and polite. But he doesn’t respond. Old regret and new grief coat the walls and permeate the air.
We watch a cooking show while eating dinner. I ask DH some innocuous questions. He doesn’t answer. I yearn for resolution but I have to wait. It’s uncomfortable even being near each other. My stomach feels hollow with dread.
Despite the tension, I still have hope. We have talked this particular issue to death. Neither of us likes these periods. It takes time, patience and continued effort on both our parts. But mostly time.
And then I kiss his cheek. I feel the familiar warmth and smell his scent. I feel a spark of desire and want more of him, now. But I walk away. This may take a few days, a week, maybe longer. The silence will gradually go away and we’ll be speaking again. Just not now.
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I hope it rectifies soon as it can for you both.
Well, it didn’t take long to get back to our normal. But I know every couple goes through this, in their own way. We have our own process of coming back to center, and it’s not as scary or divisive as it used to be.