It’s a moment–sometimes fleeting, sometimes memorable. I feel beautiful. Confident. Like a sex goddess. What if I could intentionally notice those moments, and string them together day after day? What would the cumulative effect be?
So I thought, “Self, you need to record these daily sexy moments.” And the My Daily Sexy Journal idea was born. In fact, I think both men and women could benefit from a Daily Sexy. For 31 days. Ready, set, go!
If you want to jump to the conclusion of my exercise, skip to the bottom!
Day 1: My boobs look good today. I’m wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt, black with white stripes, soft cotton. It has shrunk a little and it’s tight. I look down and the shapes is so round and feminine, with that little dip in the center.
Day 2: I pull my hair into a side ponytail. My bangs fall over my left eye. Makes me think: this is why women put their hair up for formal occasions, to expose their necks. Necks are sexy. Underrated but sexy.
Day 3: I once read that baby boys like shiny objects. This led me to start wearing shiny, dangling earrings. Today I wore diamond-shaped earrings composed of many smaller shapes inset with pearls. Are those grown-up boys noticing my sparkle?
Day 4: I didn’t really mean to put that much eyeliner on. But then, in the work bathroom, I glanced at myself and said, “Hello…how you doin’?…” That eyeliner made my eyes sexy. No other way to describe it. I want sexy eyes every day!
I’ve been feeling myself up today and running my hand over my own rear end.
Day 5: I’m wearing a thong today. I don’t need to wear a thong today because I’m not in the office wearing dress slacks. I’m working at home and the dogs don’t look at my ass, that I know of. But I’m also wearing my stretch capris that make my ass look great. So, yeah, I’ve been feeling myself up today and running my hand over my own rear end. True story.
Day 6: There is that moment, after exercise, before a shower, or just when you pass a mirror, that you look incredible. Wavy sexy hair. Smooth skin. Bedroom eyes. I saw that today, before my shower. Whoever that cutie is, I want to be her more often.
Day 7: I was shopping for groceries by myself. I saw a man about my age shopping with his elderly mother. We followed each other around groceries and then to personal care. When I was checking out, he was in the check out next to me, checking ME out quietly. I knew it but wasn’t really in a flirting mood. I wish I would have given him a smile. I need to practice that more. * smiles *
Day 8: Today, I like my waist. It’s just right for a man’s arm to grab and pull me in. I am a hourglass shape for sure, and my hips, well, I have hips. But I have a smaller waist and I’ve always liked the way it curves in.
Day 9: I wore a suit jacket to work today. There is something about a well-cut jacket that just screams “sexy” and, more importantly, “smart.”
Day 10: I was working at a different office today. I had to pass by the smallest, dullest little cube of an office to get to the break room. I first noticed two men chatting in the office, and they both looked at me. A little later, only the one man remained behind the desk. As I walked to the break room, he gave me that non-thinking, hungry look. Some women do not like that look, considering it demeaning. I consider it a compliment. I have captivated his attention! Even if he is just thinking, “Boobs…”
Dang, how cute is that girl in the mirror?!
Day 11: It has been raining all day. I put on a baseball cap before I walk the dogs. I see myself in the mirror. Long blond hair and green black-rimmed eyes. Dang, how cute is that girl in the mirror?!
Day 12: I love my cotton sheets. They are the best quality I’ve ever had–not top of the line, but soft and smooth. I love stretching out underneath the sheets and feeling the weight of the bedding. Laying diagonally in bed since DH arose long ago. Such a luxury and so, so sexy.
Day 13: It was a busy day. Busy days make it harder to appreciate the sexy. But I did have a couple moments when DH kissed me. His lips are so soft and he’s such a good kisser. I never get tired of kissing him. * sigh *
Day 14: My daughter told me to quit wearing nail polish. My nails were ragged and dry. For me, putting on nail polish is a ritual–either before work at my desk or after dinner. So the polish went away for a month, and now I have healthier fingernails–pink with strong white tips. I keep stroking my nails. How weird is that?!
Day 15: I have been traveling for work. I’m tired. I’m not feeling sexy. This was bound to happen.
Day 16: While getting dressed, I saw a little bit of cleavage. Unintentional but sexy. No wonder men like boobs. They’re just…nice.
Day 17: I noticed that my male cube-mate at work and I were both wearing an argyle sweater. I didn’t mention it. We had other things to talk about. I know he has a mad crush on me and I like that. He’s smart, nice, and has a great laugh. It’s a win-win situation.
Day 18: I had a going away pizza party to attend at the office. I circulated as if I were an extrovert (I’m not, it’s a learned trait), and talked to people that I hadn’t seen for a while. I noticed a sideways glance from a man a few years younger than I am, that unthinking kind of look. I don’t know what it meant, probably nothing but it’s still sexy.
Conclusion: This was hard. I thought it would be a good exercise for me. And it was. But the truth of the matter is: I DON’T FEEL SEXY EVERY DAY. As hard as I tried, finding even just a tiny spark in the day, every day, was just not in me. I get tired, worried, mad, and undersexed. I may try again some day but I just had to note here that: 1) I almost made 31 days, and 2) I’m only a part-time sex goddess but am human all the time.
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Well I think you did an admirable job. As you stated it’s not always easy. But I also appreciate how you could take some of the more subtle things and realize just how special they are. That’s why I think you’re sexy. 🙂
Did you read my mind or something? That was the whole point. Awareness. Thanks, my friend!