Tag : desire

Whispers about warm embers and small flames

  He and I were walking down a carpeted hallway, making weekend talk. His upcoming barbeque, my work in the garden. Our friendship. Our comfort with each other. The rising of the warm feeling was subtle. Soft embers crept from…

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I have sex so I don’t forget how

  I was reading a book about sex over 50 and was getting scared. It had been weeks since DH and I last got frisky. I don’t want my mind and body to forget how to have sex. I want…

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Skip the lust and let’s just have sex

For years, I thought I need to be in the mood first before I could have sex. Aroused and lusty. Wanting DH to put his hands all over me in the worst way. Well, at this point in my life,…

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Why I relate to sexless marriage

  I do not live in a sexless marriage. DH and I still desire one another and have sex regularly. But we have had, for lack of a better concept, sexless periods in our marriage. And frankly, I’m not having…

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Where did my sexy go?

  I’m not feeling sexy right now. I’m preoccupied with bills, kids, chores. I want to feel sexy. So badly. To feel that confidence. To have a mental tingle. Adrenaline surging, having its way with me. I’ve had times where…

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