Tag : intimacy

Taking orgasm off the menu

  I like a good orgasm. Heck, I’ll take a mediocre one. Ideally, I want my orgasm and then his. I’ve always been goal-oriented when it comes to sex. The problem is that orgasm is not a light switch you…

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How we fought for our marriage and improved our sex life

Guest Post by Jameson L. Welcome to my first guest post writer, Jameson. I was inspired by his relationship so I asked him to share it with you. He and his wife have fought the good fight and are winning….

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Where The Sex List took us

  Maybe you’ve done this, too: compile a Sex List. My most recent Sex List was a combination of “Have you ever…?” and “Do you want to try…?” Sex in a car – check. One night stand – check. Flirted…

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When did the passion ebb away?

  Part 1: I hug him, my lips on his soft cheek. I kiss him and leave my lips there, breathing in his warmth, my body remembering years of this same embrace. “I know we’re not in the same place…

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