Tag : kiss

How we stay intimate when the empty nest doesn’t stay empty

  We have one of those bounce-back kids. Due to Darling Son’s school and now work, he was gone, then back, then gone, and now he’s back. So the effect on us has been: empty nest, kid is home, empty…

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Getting a workout on the treadmill

  It was late and I had just started programming the treadmill in our bedroom. DH walked toward me with intent on his face. He pulled up my shirt and yanked down my bra, extracting my right breast, as I…

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Having sex well into her sixties

  DH was watching TV and waited while I thoroughly kissed him all over his face. I  wanted to do so much more than kiss. The conversation went like this: DH: You realize I’m being really patient right now… DW:…

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Basketball, PB&J, or me?

  DH was watching basketball on TV and eating a piece of toast clobbered by peanut butter and jelly. For him, this was heaven. I sauntered over. “I just want you to know…” “Uh huh,” he said, absorbed in the…

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When did the passion ebb away?

  Part 1: I hug him, my lips on his soft cheek. I kiss him and leave my lips there, breathing in his warmth, my body remembering years of this same embrace. “I know we’re not in the same place…

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Dancing with a stranger

  It wasn’t a particularly special night out. We chose a hotel that had live music on Saturdays. Settling at the green tiled bar, we ordered our beers. I tried to ignore the smell of pool chlorine. The seat next…

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